Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Thus my blog begins

After trying out numerous other names, I settled on peony cupcake.  What do you think?  I like peonies.  And who doesn't like cupcakes?  You must be a communist if you don't like cupcakes.  (I really wanted pinkpeony but alas it was taken of course.)  Who the heck am I and why am I starting a blog?  I guess because I have stuff to say.  I don't care if that sounds mindless - "stuff" - it's the truth, and I'm going to stick with the truth for my blog.  Hmph. 

I'm a 31 year old stay at home mom, my precious son is 17 months and I'm just figuring this out day by day, my life that is, just as I guess I've always done.  But it seems moreso (that whole reflective, figuring it out, who am I, am I raising my son right) since I've been a SAHM, I suppose because I have lots of time to think amidst the chasing and cleaning and story reading and playing.  I feel very lucky to have the option to stay home with my son and not have to work and do daycare, and that's not to start the whole mom's who work/daycare debate.  Just stating something I'm grateful for. 

I think this is a good start right?  Signing off for now.  Anyone reading me yet?  :-)

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